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We are always there 24/7 for our foster children

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Foster carers of five years tell us about fostering after their own children had flown the nest and why they transferred over to Nexus Fostering after their first year of fostering. Plus how they manage Christmas time as a fostering family. 

We will have fostered for 5 years soon and have been with Nexus Fostering for four years. We chose to foster with them for the excellent support and because are always at hand if we have any problems.

Before fostering we were carers, but we always wanted to foster once our own children were all grown up and had flown the nest. We have always wanted to help children and give them a stable family life

We find fostering so rewarding and love to see the children blossoming, happy, and building up their confidence and achieving things that they never would have experienced. As for the young person they settle and like to have the stability off a normal home life; they know they will be safe, that we are always there 24/7 for them.

When you get a new placement they are often scared and emotional, but you just have go slowly with them at the child’s pace and not overwhelm them and to see them starting to trust you and settle in.

Through our fostering journey Nexus have been excellent and have always been at hand to support us if it’s at the end of the phone or in person

We think one of our fondest memory was our placement last Christmas when David and I got married and we were able to share it with our placement and also taking him to the seaside for the first time and seeing his little face looking at the sea and then playing in it!

We have so many fond memories with all our placements that we have had its hard to choose the fondest memory as they’re all our favourites.

If we had to describe fostering in three words, it would be:

  1.           Challenging
  2.           Rewarding
  3.           Fulfilling

We would highly recommend fostering as there is nothing better to give a child or teenager a loving home and stability, it’s so rewarding.

At Christmas time it can be a hard time for young people we always make Christmas plans together and tend to stretch out the presents over 3 days so it’s not too overwhelming for them.

We decorate the tree together and we all do Christmas activities together and make it a magical time as best we can.


Want to open up your home for children in time for Christmas? Get in touch with us at a time that suits you - Contact Us | Nexus Fostering


Fostering stories


  • Foster Carer
  • Advice
  • Transferring

Date published

10 December 2018

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