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To those thinking of fostering siblings I would say go for it!

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After wanting to foster for a very long time Laura and Daniel finally took the plunge. She shares her fostering experiences with us and how they found fostering after being approved foster carers. 


We had wanted to foster for a very long time before we made the decision to apply with Nexus.  We chose Nexus due to their reputation, OFSTED rating and the fact that they have a local office, and we have never looked back!

We are now a year in fostering and can honestly say we have felt fully supported by our supervising social worker and the team. The fact that there is always someone available to talk to, guide us or advise us is crucial when looking after children. The fact that they are open to suggestions and listen to our thoughts, opinions and ideas further strengthens the working relationship we have.

A few days after our approval we had a placement of 2 teenage girls! Within minutes of their arrival, our life as we had known it was changed forever.

Life gets immediately busier and juggling different personalities as well as balancing hormones can sometimes be tiresome, but to us, they are worth every moment. The girls haven’t been without challenges but to see them achieve, grow in self-confidence, and just laugh fills us with pride. We have been lucky enough to see our girls blossom with confidence, embrace new ideas, try new things, and achieve greater grades at school, with our eldest just now receiving offers for university. We are immensely proud of them. But for us, the small things are just as important.

Initially fostering siblings can seem daunting, but get to know them, start as you mean to go on with clear boundaries and with honesty – they will thank you for it eventually!

To those thinking of fostering siblings I would say go for it!

Obviously, I’m biased as I couldn’t imagine a quiet life or a life without our girls now, but when we see our girls and birth children having a laugh and a joke or simply doing everyday things that we often take for granted, our world is a bit brighter.

Of course, there are bumps in the road, big personalities, and different challenges with each and every child, but together, we work through them with what we call our blended family. Yes, there are differences of opinions and disagreements (and the dinner menu can be a nightmare), but it’s not the end of the world, is it?

Seeing our girl’s relationship go from strength to strength has to be the biggest benefit of keeping them together; they have each other, share experiences, and grow up together united. They get to share achievements and memories and are simply able just to be sisters.

Our best memories are quite simple, unlike most, but my all-time favourite was the first time they came in from school, kicked off their shoes, dumped their bags in the hall, and raided the kitchen cupboards because they were settled… they were home.


Could you join people like Laura and Daniel and be a foster carer? Get in touch today for a no-pressure chat about fostering with us - Contact Us | Nexus Fostering 


Fostering stories


  • Siblings
  • Foster Carer
  • Support
  • Teenager

Date published

15 February 2020

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