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The effects of neglect, physical and emotional abuse - Sarah

Sarah experienced neglect, physical abuse and emotional abuse while in her mother’s care. She was taken into care when she was 7 years old. Sarah was in a long term foster placement but her carers decided that her behaviour was too challenging and they couldn’t keep her safe. Sarah is 16.

As a result of this situation, Sarah finds it hard to trust adults and pushes boundaries to see if they will reject her. She will return home later than the agreed time and can be disrespectful of house rules such as where she is allowed to smoke in the garden and not tidying up after herself.

Sarah needs foster carers who are resilient and will not give up on her at the first hurdle.

Sarah needs foster carers who are resilient and will not give up on her at the first hurdle. She needs clear guidance and support from reliable and patient foster carers who can build up her trust. Sarah needs to be taught practical skills to help her with her independence such as cooking, laundry and looking after her finances. Sarah would benefit from the following:

  • Boundaries
  • Stability
  • Security
  • Routine
  • A listening ear
  • Empathy & Understanding

Could you foster someone like Sarah? Visit our contact us page and we’ll be in touch with more information!


Fostering stories


  • Young person

Date published

05 November 2020

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