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Nexus Fostering's Zoe climbs Kilimanjaro for charity.

Zoe Charity

Zoe, our Senior Supervising Social Worker from the Anglia Team recently went on a trip of a lifetime with two friends, raising approximately £8000 for three local charities:

  • Occold Primary Forest school

  • Sebby’s gifts

  • Tango 2 research foundation

Here is her story.

We did it! We made it to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro!

On the 5th of October, myself and 2 close friends set off on the trip of a lifetime. Reality hit when we saw the mountain from the plane window, and we were flying lower than the summit! We arrived in Tanzania to meet with the rest of our group. There were 33 climbers in all.

We took the Lemosho route, which took us about 5 days from start to summit. Then a rapid 1.5 days to descend! The reason for the long ascent is to help acclimatise to the high altitude. The mountain started as jungle type terrain and very hot and humid. After the first day and a half we reached a landmark called lava tower, and it was exactly that! The landscape became dry and dusty and evidence that we were climbing a (sleeping) volcano was all around, with volcanic glass and obsidian rock to be found. We moved on to a landmark day of climbing the Baranco wall, a scramble up some big rocks to reach stunning views above the clouds. The temperature was dropping by this point.

Summit night began at 11pm and we climbed through the night to reach the highest point at 8.30 am! It was very exhausting, but truly amazing too to see the sun rise from a truly unique view. The temperature was around -15c at the top. The whole team made it together, something we are told is unusual.

We had a fantastic team of guides and porters, who set up our camps, kept us well fed and watered and ensured our safety all the way. We were truly spoiled with a cup of tea to wake up with everyday, and even a ginger tea at the summit! The local team who were with us really are the unsung heroes. The atmosphere in camp was fabulous with lots of singing and dancing. We were well versed in some Swahili songs by the time we left.

Kilimanjaro is 5895 meters high and at the top oxygen levels are at around 40%less than home! The altitude had varying effects on people, and we experienced a range of things from complete loss of appetite, dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds, wheezing and upset tummies! Most things quickly resolved when leaving altitude conditions.

I just want to thank everyone who donated and sponsored me and for all the messages of support and encouragement.

Already thinking about the next crazy thing to sign up for

Zoe xx


To find out more about the Anglia team visit Norwich | Nexus Fostering



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Date published

09 January 2024

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