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Christmas in our house

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This was written by one of our young people NB in placement with carers in Gloucestershire.

Christmas in our house starts on Christmas Eve and is as exciting as Christmas day.

We always go somewhere as a surprise in the day then we go to my foster sisters house at tea time where we prep all the veg for the Christmas roast.

There’s 3 of us in care here and we all get to snuggle up on the sofa, watch Christmas films, eat pizza and junk while all the adults are in the kitchen eating lobster (yuck! They also drink prosecco, oh yes, they do!)

Our foster sister has a sausage dog called Howie who we get to play with!

Then Christmas morning comes…

My sister wakes me up at 6am (ugghhh), but we always have a stocking left by our doors, so I love opening them with her, we then wake our carer and that’s when the excitement kicks in.

We have Christmas music playing, sit in a circle on the floor and open presents one at a time so we get to see what everyone has, I LOVE it.

We get to eat fresh baked pastries for breakfast and the have a yummy Christmas dinner, I don’t like turkey, so my carer makes me chicken instead.

Last year my carer, her friend and daughter got us to wait in the house for a couple of minutes and when we went out they were riding around in the street on bikes for the 3 of us with Christmas hats on and ringing the bike bells, it was so much fun, we all laughed and laughed at them.

She had a magic sleigh on the coffee table and different times of the day she rang a bell then we could choose a present out of it, I had a nail file, a small hairbrush and stuff like that it was great.

I LOVE CHRISTMAS and everything about it!


If you want to find out more about the support we offer our children and young people, then follow the link - Children & Young People's Participation | Nexus Fostering 


Fostering stories


  • Young person

Date published

14 December 2018

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